Avengers 4 Predictions: Part 1

Hey everyone, by now I hope a lot of you have seen Avengers: Infinity Wars and man was it awesome. By the way before I say anything else let me say this “SPOILER ALERT” because a lot of things from the movie is going to be discussed here.

First of all, let’s start of with Avengers: Infinity Wars plot. Thanos collects all stones, kicks everyone’s ass while doing so and then ends up snapping his fingers to wipe out half the universe. That’s the gist of it. But a lot more happens which I’d discuss as I get into speculations for the next Avengers movie.

First and foremost: Why did Dr. Strange give Thanos time stone when he clearly said tony that if he had to choose between tony, Spidey and stone he’d choose the stone?


For that you have to look into the scene where Strange used the time stone to look into 14000605 outcomes only to find there is just one in which they survive and defeat the Mad titan. And as Strange was the only one who knew the he purposely gave Thanos the stone in exchange for sparing Tony’s life because he knew that for the universe to survive it was important that Tony must live. But was that all because when we look into the survivors list we see Cap, Thor, Widow, Hulk, Iron Man, Hawkeye (who is confirmed to be there in the next movie) who are basically the main Avengers. Then we have War Machine, Nebula, Rocket, Okoya, Shuri and Antman (was seen on sets of Avengers 4). Doesn’t this all seem STRANGE to you. Spidey, black panther, Bucky, Groot, Star lord, Mantis, Drax and many other have in a way died (or might be trapped inside the soul stone) but the main avengers are alive along with some sidekicks.


I think Strange has planned all this out. He wanted this particular group to survive and some others to die so as to bring out the avenger inside of them and bring the divided team back together. Sort of how Fury used Coulson’s death to bring them together in the first place but Strange did that on an even bigger scale.  So basically, he wanted to bring together Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Next: Okay the Avengers is understandable but why the others?

Well for that I’d have to tell you a little something about the Infinity Gauntlet comic ark where Thanos had already swiped half the universe but then Nebula steals the gauntlet, reverses the time and gives it to Adam Warlock (GOTG 2 Post credit scene) who then defeats Thanos. But MCU only draws inspiration from the comics. They rarely follow it.

So, here’s what I think will happen. With the Infinity Gauntlet destroyed, Thanos cannot wield all the stones a once so he is in a way weaker than before. Also, Thor impaled him pretty hard. But is Thanos is alive because to me it seems he himself got trapped in the Soul stone. So, what will they do because without the time stone they won’t we able to restore time or even bring people out of soul stone.


This is what I think will happen. Quantum Realm

Shown in Antman, Hank Pym described it to be a place where reality loses all meaning and time itself can’t be quantified there. We have clearly seen Scott survive that place. So, what if he is able to go around in it. Then he can use it to travel in time.  I think he’ll travel back to the New York incident where the Avengers assembled for the first time, warn them about the impending doom and help them to keep the mind stone and space stone on Earth itself, completely changing the turn of events.

Lot of information to process right..

So why don’t you guys give a thought to all this. Meanwhile I while get back to you with Part 2 of my predictions.

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